Making the move from the kitchen table.

If you are considering the move to height adjustable, there are a lot of options. And now that the home office isn’t hidden in the basement, what it looks like is more important.

1. With such a boom in this industry, you have lots of price points and choices
2. Depending on the space you have available, you can get a small 24 x 36 top up to a 30 x 72 and even L shapes. Will you need room for monitor arms – a PC or laptop? Paperwork?
3. You have options for leg colors as well. Black, silver, and white are generally available.
4. Electric tables are generally more expensive, but they are so easy to use and f you are sharing the space with someone else, you can set your personal height favorites.
5. Manual, pneumatic, or even a desktop model that can be moved around might work for you. The desktop solutions aren’t as big and bulky as they once were.
6. I have had lots of clients who simply replace the bridge in their set up with a height adj. piece, instead of the entire office.
7. And what about the table color/finish? Have you thought if you want to try and match some of your home furniture, or want something completely different.
8. If you are building this yourself, there are less expensive options that are more difficult to put together. Some of our suppliers have identified that “ease” of building at home is important and have products specifically designed for that.

Interested in going height adjustable? Contact Margie at for options!